Pre/Post-Nuptial Agreements

The sad reality is that about half of all marriages end in divorce. A pre-nuptial agreement allows you the opportunity to protect assets and your financial future in the event of a divorce.

There are several reasons to consider a pre-nuptial agreement, including the following:

  • If you enter the relationship with substantial assets that you want to protect and immunize from the claims of your prospective spouse in the event of divorce.
  • If you have children from a prior relationship and want to secure their inheritance rights.
  • If you run your own business, a pre-nuptial agreement can protect your business interests.
  • If you want to identify your separate or pre-marital property.

If you are already married, a post-nuptial agreement can help define your marital rights and identify your marital and separate property. A post-nuptial agreement can assist in the following:

  • Identifying separate property;
  • Directing how marital property will be distributed should the marriage fail;
  • Fixing maintenance payments in the event of a divorce;

Both pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements can be specifically drafted to address additional concerns.